Thursday, October 19, 2006

Writing in Thin Air

After yesterday's picture, I decided to go by a tripod. So I decided to try it out right at home. Yesterday's picture reminded me of a time lapse picture I had seen in an art book. Picasso was experimenting with photography and drew an image in the air using a candle.

Having no talent drawing, much less in thin air I decided to try writing something. I don't have any candles, so I used something more modern - a flashlight. At first I had used a small laser pointer, but it was too faint since the beam of light is to focused. After trying a few flashlights, I found one that best dispersed light.

After several attempts, I was finally able to get a picture that was somewhat decent. Considering it would be much harder to write backwards in thin air, I simply wrote normally and flipped the picture so you could easily read what it says.


Martha A. Calderon said...

Wow! Very cool picture!

Pável said...

First I saw the pic and I was wondering how you wrote in some kind of "mirror effect" and all the attempts that you should did in order to get the picture...

After I read your comment I thought: -he is bright as bright as the pictures's letters