Today turned out to be a pretty nice day. We first went to Ballard to see a band my brother Roberto likes play at a record store. They are currently on tour and they were going to go down to Mexico City, but they got canceled. When he saw that they were playing here in Seattle he go pretty psyched about getting to see them up close and personal.
After their small concert at the record store, we drove down to the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks that separate the Puget Sound from Lake Washington. While we were there, we only saw the small lock in use. I've never seen a lock in person before, so it was neat to sit there and watch the boats rise and fall as they lifted or lowered them.
See this location on
Live Maps.
ISO 400 | 18 mm | f/11 | 1/500 secThese neat wave looking statues are on the south side of the locks in Commodore Park.
ISO 400 | 18 mm | f/9.0 | 1/320 sec
ISO 100 |55 mm | f/8.0 | 1/100 secAfter dinner at an Indian restaurant, we drove the short distance to
Discovery Park to watch the last minutes of the sunset behind the
Olympic Mountains.
ISO 250 | 55 mm | f/5.6 | 1/100 sec