Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Royal Botanic Garden

After walking around the Opera House and enjoying the view, we headed towards the Royal Botanic Garden. It is located to the south east of the Opera House and there is an entrance next to the Opera Hose. This park has many trees such as this impressive Moreton Bay Fig tree (ficus macrophylla). Apparently, this kind of fig starts growing on a host tree and eventually smothers its host.

This park also has many eucalyptus trees and several other weird ones I have never seen. I'm sure many, if not all, of these are unique to Australia. I wish I had the space to put all the trees on this post, but there were just too many of them. However, here is one really funky tree I just had to post. This is called a Queensland Bottle Tree (Brachychiton rupestry). You can imagine where it got its name from.

Besides having awesome trees, there is also a multitude of strange birds that could only be unique to Australia. Below one of the fig trees we walked by we saw several white cockatoos that were eating figs that had fallen off the tree. Cockatoos weren't the only bird we saw. As some of you might know, Australia is home to some of the coolest and weirdest animals. We saw several other cool birds, but I have no clue what they are called. Below the cockatoos, there is a picture of another of one of the cool birds we saw.


Anneke said...

Just incase u were really wondering the "other bird" is a ibis! Anneke

Anneke said...

I should have said - The Australian Ibis - Threskiornis molucca

Anonymous said...

Anneke knows everything about Australian animals!

Anneke said...

v.funny - not!