Thursday, November 30, 2006

Homemade Bread

Thursdays seem to be the worst day of the week. Do you know how I noticed? I was looking through my previous posts and noticed that I had not posted anything the last two Thursdays and I was about to not post anything today. Oh yeah, and today was a not a very good day. Some people hate Mondays. I can deal with Mondays, but Thursdays are just about the end of the week, but your not quite there yet... It teases you with its almost weekend feeling, but you know you have one more day of work and can't relax yet.

Anyway, I was tired of the breads they have at the grocery store. Although they have a very good bakery, I wanted something homemade. So, for the first time in years I baked bread. To my surprise it actually came out just like it was supposed to. There is nothing like soft, freshly baked bread.


Pável said...

Pan hecho en casa!!!!

Saludos amigo... los jueves son malos? yo creo que son peores los domingos en la tarde... estás a punto de irte a trabajar y falta una semana para descansar!!!

Saludetes panosos.

Luis G. Velazco said...

Tienes razon, los domingos en la tarde a mi tampoco me gustan mucho.